
Free SEO Tips

What SEO Is and Isn’t

  1. There is no cookie cutter approach to SEO. Optimization is site specific.
  2. There are no shortcuts to SEO.
  3. SEO takes time and is a continuous long term process, not a one time event.
  4. There are no guarantees or absolutes with SEO whatsover. It’s a moving target.
  5. You have no control over your search traffic. All it takes is one algo update to wipe it out.


SEOs are not magicians. There are tons of variables which are out of our control.



  • Traditional Keyword Focused strategies have diminished in value. Stop wasting time chasing trophy keywords you will never rank for.
  • User Experience (UX) is the future of SEO. Hint: The future is now.
  • The best way to leverage UX is to provide unique value for your users. Maximize user engagement.
  • Link Manipulation with low-quality links is no longer a sustainable SEO strategy.
  • Build a brand. Being a Brand allows you to maximize exposure and mitigate the impact of algorithm changes.
  • Don’t forget about Conversion Rate Optimization.